Monday, April 6, 2009

Pasqua, Pasquetta and traditional Easter food


In Christianity, the Easter celebration is held to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus, which Christians believe happened three days after he was buried, having been crucified by Roman authorities just outside of Jerusalem. Easter takes place at the same time as Jewish Passover and, as such, is not a fixed date on the calendar but instead moves around. Because of its connection to Passover, Easter is also sometimes referred to as Pascha, a word that appears in both Latin and Greek but comes from the Hebrew Pesah, or Passover.

Traditional food in Italy
Capretto al forno con le patate: roast baby lamb with potatoes
Colomba: Sweet bread shaped like a dove
Uova di Pasqua: Hollow chocolate eggs with a surprise inside

...and in Naples:
Pastiera: Tart filled with ricotta cheese and candied orange pieces
Casatiello: Easter bread cooked with whole eggs

And after Pasqua? C'e' la Pasquetta! Stay tuned!

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